Pitch roofs
Pitched roofs
The pitched roofs found on traditional houses (in contrast to flat roofs or green roofs) are made of tiles, slates and/or zinc materials in the case of standing seam techniques.
Depending on the region in question, the pitch can be more or less steep, allowing (or not) maximum use of space by creating an attic under a pitched roof.
Through our “one-stop” service, Façozinc is able to supply tiles and slates, high performance insulation materials (thermal insulation, internal insulation, roof insulation), roof lights (windows and Velux) as well as a wide range of timber (roof timbers for renovation or construction), tools and fixings.

- Sloped roof accessories
Sloped roof hooks, Cornice finish - Slate and accessories
Fibre-cement slate accessories, fibre-cement slate, natural slate, slate fixings - Sealing and ventilation
Accessories, Cap, Cat flap, Ridge coping, Rainscreen, Vapour barrier, Under-roof, Ventilation and evacuation
- Typical example of a tiled roof
- Tiles and accessories
Koramic tiles, Monier tiles, Nelskamp tiles, Terreal tiles
Our brands in
pitched roofs